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Dear Promise of Life Family,

We are so excited to announce that Promise of Life will continue to conduct in-person services! No matter what is going on in the world, the local church is a place where we can come and be refreshed and strengthened to face whatever may come our way and we invite you to come and receive the answers you need for your life!

In order to comply with the regulations put into place by the provincial government of Ontario, we will be making modifications to how we conduct services for the foreseeable future. According to the guidelines implemented by the provincial government, we are only permitted up to 25% of our building’s capacity. 

We are currently only accepting congregation members due to the low number of people allowed. We will be livestreaming all of our services for those that we cannot accommodate.

Please email us at and let us know the service that you'd like to attend. Seating is limited week-to-week, so the sooner you let us know, the better!

Prayer Meetings will be conducted and announced on a weekly basis. Please stay tuned to announcements for dates and times.

Here is some additional important information:

1. Social distancing is encouraged at services. Upon attending services, please follow the instructions of our ushers; they will direct you to the seats we have marked out to comply with social distancing.

2. Frequent handwashing and cleaning will be implemented and encouraged. If you’d like to assist with cleaning, please email Mrs. Lorraine Morris at

3. The wearing of masks in the premises is encouraged, though, if you decide not to do so, you will not be questioned as to why you are not wearing one. 

4. There will be no childcare available at any services. Children should not be left unattended anywhere in the building and should be in the company of a parent or guardian at all times. If your child becomes disruptive during service, you may take them into one of our classrooms and can watch livestream in there on one of the televisions until they are ready to return to the service.

5. IMPORTANT: If you or anyone in your household is displaying the symptoms of COVID-19, you will not be permitted to attend in-person services at POLC and should instead enjoy the services at home by livestream.

6. Although we teach the principles of faith and encourage attendance to church, if you are not comfortable attending, you may enjoy services from home by watching online and you can join us when you feel ready. 

We thank you in advance for your compliance with the above guidelines. We are looking forward to seeing you at our next service!

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